Religious Exemption Form for K-12 Students

Use this form for K-12 public/private PA schools. May also be used for most daycare providers. Exemptions for K-12 students are based on Title 28, Chapter 23.84 of the Pennsylvania Code. This is one of the main goals of Health Freedom PA, protecting our existing laws.

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Please note: This download is for general information only. This information is not designed to provide legal or other advice. You should not take, or refrain from taking action based on its content. HFPA accept no responsibility for any loss or damage that may result from accessing or reliance on content from this website and disclaim, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any and all liability with respect to acts or omissions made by readers on the basis of content of this website.

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Exemption Resources

Civil Rights Attorney Leigh Dundas New: Exemption Builder with scripture references.

Peggy Hall / Pastor David teaching you how to successfully invoke your Legal Federal Religious Exemption

Sample Letter to download. Videos to discuss the common questions regarding religious exemptions and the legal boundaries.

COVID Vaccine Religious Exemption in the Workplace

If you experience any issues using these forms or have additional questions, please use this special email to contact our team: [email protected]

America's Frontline Doctors

AFLDS is looking for college students whose school wants to force them to take the Covid-19 vaccine. If your college is located in California, Colorado, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, or Pennsylvania, please fill out this plaintiff form (there are no “right” answers so please be accurate!) and if your information matches our criteria, our legal team will get in touch with you. 

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Health Freedom PA, LLC

PO Box 178
Darlington, PA 16115, US

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